Perhaps one of the most disappointing revelations about the current intelligence community (IC) kerfuffle is the remarkable lack of intelligence in the higher echelons of the intelligence community. These people have attended charm schools where they have been told they are the crème de la crème. They believe this. They should not. If you overestimate your abilities and underestimate those of your opponent you will be in for some surprises. The supposedly dimwitted Donald Trump has run rings around these geniuses in the government and media.
One of their biggest mistakes was to rely one the Steele “dossier.” Perhaps as an inside joke it was classified “Confidential/Sensitive Source.” If one hundred veteran intelligence officers who have seen more than ten thousand classified documents each were polled and asked if they had ever seen such a classification they would all answer no. That would be over one million documents. There is no such animal. Also this “dossier” suggests that one of its sources is within Putin’s inner circle. If the Russians did not believe that this was a joke Putin would be short one close confident. The IC is behind the times. The internet gives thousands of people with expertise in various areas access to the documents used to make bogus charges. Dan Rather discovered this when he attempted to pass off bogus letters about George W. Bush’s military service.

These leaders also appear totally clueless when it comes to the political beliefs of their coworkers and subordinates. Robert Mueller had no idea that Peter Strzok was extremely hostile toward Trump. When he proved to be an embarrassment he was quietly removed from the team. Is it an accident that Mueller’s entire team is composed of Clinton supporters? James Comey claimed, “I never heard anyone on our team — not one — take a position that seemed driven by their personal political motivations. And more than that: I never heard an argument or observation I thought came from a political bias. Never.” Christopher Wray was asked by Senator Heinrich “So you haven't seen any evidence of some sort of inherent political bias in the agency?” Wray replied “No.” If these leaders are not lying, the have no business in the IC or any other field that requires intelligence.
James Comey wrote a book about his experiences in the FBI. It is unnecessary to point out just how stupid that move was. Needless to say he will regret this move which is probably the stupidest thing he has ever dome. Because of the depths of the corruption in the IC Comey had to be less than forthcoming and lacked candor in his report. In the plain English that President Trump speaks and most American understand: he LIED. These lies will come back to bight him er . . . someplace.
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