Thursday, December 21, 2017
Book Review - Yeager: An Autobiography

Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Additions to the MP Third Edition – “Nuremberg was colonial.”
policies led to the creation of a third world colony in the center of
Europe. Francis Biddle described
the atmosphere in Germany during his attendance at the Nuremberg Trails:
Nuremberg was
colonial, we had taken the country after this wretched war, and were living in
it, had to be there for a while.
We weren't sure how the natives would act, whether they would lie down
and lick our boots, or slit our throats on too dark a night, yet we were
determined to dine out on occasion and have as much fun as we could. It was like Kipling's Simla, pointed to
a different setting in a very different time.
This was an exciting time, especially for Great White
Hunters. Ernest Hemingway
apparently was quite proud of the trophies he accumulated during his stay in
Germany. In a letter to Charles
Scribner Hemingway tells of a young German officer who refused to answer his
questions. The officer informed Hemingway it was a
violation of the Geneva Convention to shoot prisoners. Hemingway wrote: “What a mistake you
made. Brother, I told him and shot him three times in the belly fast and then,
when he went down on his knees, shot him on the topside so his brains came out
of his mouth.” In a letter to
Arthur Mizener on 2 June 1950, Hemingway described killing his last “kraut”, an
unarmed youngster on a bicycle, “. . . I said ‘let me take him’ and I shot him
with an M1 . . . he was a boy
about the age of my son Patrick . . . I had shot him through the spine and the
bullet had come out through the
of these victims remained nameless.
However, there were also well known victims. The German
conductor Leo Borchard was killed by a US sentries in Berlin. And the Austrian composer and conductor
Anton von Webern was killed in Salzburg by an American sentry.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Dumbledore’s Army - Things Fall Apart; The Centre Cannot Hold
When Mick Mulvaney was selected to lead the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau (CFPB) he complemented the staff for being very
professional. There are a
significant number of CFPB employees who are opposed to the president and any
of his appointees. They have
formed a resistance group they call Dumbledore’s Army. Although members of other departments,
agencies and bureaus do not call themselves Dumbledore’s Army they are
essentially of the same mindset.
Perhaps the largest number of these Dumbledores are in the Department of
Justice and the intelligence community.
They are mounting an attack on the Trump administration and are
suffering one defeat after another.
Things are falling apart.
The major attack is being carried out by Robert Mueller, the
Independent Counsel. Several of
the attorneys on Mueller’s team have collectively given over $62,000 in
political contributions to Democrats.
These are the contributions that we know of. Three of his attorneys have reportedly been removed for
anti-Trump bias. But as Rep. Jim
Jordan said, "If you get kicked off the Mueller team for being anti-Trump,
there wouldn't be anybody left on the Mueller team. There has to be more.” This says a lot about the independence
of the Independent Counsel.
The most significant removal was that of Peter Strzok and his
paramour Lisa Page. Strzok was
Mueller’s second in command. He
was one of the officials who interviewed Hillary Clinton. He helped lead the investigation into
Clinton’s private server clearing her.
He reviewed 50,000 Hillary Clinton State Department emails on Anthony
Weiner’s computer and cleared the Weiner-Huma Abedin emails in record time just
days before the 2016 election.
Again he found nothing incriminating. He was the lead FBI investigator in Comey’s Trump Russia
investigation. He played a key
role in agreeing to pay Christopher Steele $50,000 to find evidence to support
the dossier’s claims. Rep. Jim
Jordan (R-Ohio) believes it may have been Strzok who brought the infamous Trump
dossier to a FISA court to obtain clearance for surveillance on members of the
Trump campaign. Strzok edited the
FBI’s judgment of Mrs. Clinton’s handling of her emails to “extremely careless”
from “grossly negligent” as it was described in a previous draft. He also oversaw the bureau’s interviews
with ousted National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
Lisa Page, an FBI attorney, was also removed from Mueller’s
team. Her correspondence with
Strzok contained such suggestions as “Trump should go f himself.” On Oct. 20, 2016, Strzok called Trump a
“f*cking idiot.” More than 10,000
texts between Strzok and Page were reviewed by the Justice Department. 375 of them were released on 12
December. The existence of the texts
was not disclosed until nearly four months after Strzok was removed. The emails are extremely damaging. One of Strzok’s emails reads, “I want
to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office.” Andy is most likely Andrew McCabe. In which case it appears that they were
plotting against President Trump with the Deputy FBI Director. Every federal employee knows that
emails are subject to monitoring.
This is an example of extremely poor judgment. Perhaps they believed that if they were monitored the
monitor would have similar views and would not reveal their content. They were obviously wrong. They should know that there are moles even
within Dumbledore’s Army willing to leak information damaging to the resistance’s
cause. Andrew McCabe
postponed an appearance before the House Intelligence Committee that was
scheduled for 12th. The Justice
Department claimed the cancellation was due to a “routine scheduling error.”
The next significant removal is that of former Assoc. Deputy
Attorney General Bruce G Ohr. Ohr
had several meetings with Christopher Steele, the author of the “dossier,” and
Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm. His wife Nellie H. Ohr worked for
Fusion GPS and may have worked on the “dossier.” Ohr reportedly did not reveal his October 2016 contacts with
Steele or Simpson to DOJ leadership.
We are supposed to believe that Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney
General, knew nothing about the activities of Strzok and Ohr. If this is the case Rosenstein has no
business supervising people in the intelligence business.
Much of the
information we have about this situation is the result of leaks. Leaks have plagued the DOJ for well
over a year. Many of these leaks
are clearly felonies. The former
head of the FBI admitted in public that he was the source of a leak. Has anyone in the leadership been
prosecuted for leaking to the press?
The answer to this question is no.
No one in the intelligence community can claim that they are unable to
identify the leakers. These leaks
can be traced. At the same time
the leadership of the intelligence community is denying information requested
by Congress. Representative Nunes
has instructed his staff to draft contempt-of-Congress citations against Rosenstein
and FBI Director Christopher Wray.
Wray, appointed by President Trump, appears to have joined Dumbledore’s
Army. His response to a
question about the Clinton email scandal he responded: “I think of the
Inspector General’s investigation as de novo in one sense, in which that it’s
objective, arms length, no skin in the game, if you will. But you’re right, the
Inspector General is not second guessing prosecutorial decisions and things
like that. However, the Inspector General is looking at the very important
question of whether or not improper political considerations factored into the
decision making. If he were to conclude that’s what happened, then I think at
that point were we’re in a situation were we have to assess what else might
need to be done to unring that bell.”
Either this is an example of intentional obfuscation or Mr. Wray is an
extremely confused individual.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
The Deep State vs. Trump
Retired CIA station chief Scott Uehlinger claims there is a “Deep State.” He argued, “The Deep State is made up
of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants
and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight
years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no
mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.” Uehlinger is correct except for the fact that he exaggerates
the role Obama has played in its creation. The “Deep State” had its greatest growth during the
Roosevelt Administration when bureaucrats like Soviet asset Harry Dexter White recruited large numbers of Communists and
progressives to man the government.
Most of the Communists were eventually weeded out of government but the
progressives for the most part remained.
These progressives gradually gained control of most of the federal
bureaucracy. Under President Obama
even many of the conservative holdouts were driven from the government.
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke claims nearly one-third of the employees at his department are not
loyal to him and President Trump.
He claimed, “I got 30 percent of the crew that’s not loyal to the flag.” Either the Department of Interior is a
radical exception or Zinke is being extremely optimistic. There is a large number of
professionals in the Department of the Interior who will carry out orders
regardless of the administration directing them. There are even some extremely patriotic employees. However, particularly in the
leadership, there is a significant number of progressives who will actively
sabotage efforts by a conservative administration to curtail government
interference in the lives of its citizens. What percentage of the upper echelons of the federal
bureaucracy voted for Donald Trump?
That number is exceedingly small.
One of the most crucial fields that a president must rely upon is
intelligence. The NSA, FBI and CIA
are in many respects the eyes and ears of a president. These agencies are also the most
compromised. The heads of each of
these agencies have intentionally misled the public and even lied before
Congress. CIA director John Brennan lied when he claimed, “Let me assure you the CIA was in no way
spying on [the committee] or the Senate.”
He was later forced to apologize for his statement. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told the Congress that the NSA was not collecting information on
millions of Americans. Documents
leaked by Edward Snowden revealed that he had lied. FBI Director James Comey lied to Congress about his decision not to recommend criminal
charges against Hillary Clinton.
The departments
that oversee these agencies are also compromised. This was illustrated by the recent release of Department of
Justice documents by Judicial Watch.
These documents showed strong support by top DOJ officials for former
Acting Attorney General Sally Yates’ refusal to enforce President Trump’s
Middle East travel ban executive order.
Andrew Weissmann, one of Robert Mueller’s top prosecutors applauded
Yates emailing: “I am so proud. And in awe. Thank you so much. All my deepest
respects.” Yates was subsequently
fired for disobeying a direct order from the President. The documents contain numerous emails
sent from official Justice Department email addresses. One was from DOJ Civil Division
Appellate Attorney Jeffrey Clair who wrote, “Thank you AG Yates. I’ve been in
civil/appellate for 30 years and have never seen an administration with such
contempt for democratic values and the rule of law. The President’s order is an
unconstitutional embarrassment and I applaud you for taking a principled stand
against defending it.” Of course
Clair wrote this before the Supreme Court ruled that the travel ban was constitutional.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Pandora's Box Revisited
The names of sexual predators are flying out of
Pandora’s Box at an increasing rate.
There is panic in the media and the halls of Congress. Deals are being frantically made to
stop the bleeding. The efforts to
defeat Roy Moore’s campaign for the Senate from Alabama have resulted in a
historic social transformation.
Even with access to Obama’s database and NSA records, the best the deep
state can come up with is 38 year old allegations of sexual abuse by Moore. Moore’s alleged crimes are trivial
compared to what prominent politicians and media personalities are being
accused of.
People who were outraged at allegation about
Moore’s behavior 38 years ago now appear to be defending more recent behavior
that is often backed up with photos and documents.
The scandals have exposed the Congress’s methods to conceal
embarrassing incidents. The Congress Office of Compliance (COC) was
set up to deal with complaints. It
reportedly disbursed $17 million over a twenty year period to cover
complaints. The admission about
the COC is a distraction of sorts and the 17 million figure is a gross
underestimate. In addition to the
COC there is the House Employment Counsel advising members how
to conceal their behavior. These
are two institutions that have been reported on in the press. Are there any more?
Much has been made of the $17 million
payout. However, neither one of
the two prominent politicians who have been exposed paid their victims out of
this fund. Rep. John Conyers paid
a former employee $27,111.74
out of his Member’s Representational Allowance account. Rep. Raul Grijalva gave
$48,395 to the female employee who left her job after three months. Grijalva’s settlement was reportedly
arranged by lawyers at the House Employment Counsel. Is spite of politicians receiving advice from lawyers, these
arrangements may be illegal. Also the COC may be dealing with only a
fraction of the complaints. Tracy Manzer, Congresswoman Speier’s spokesperson told
CNN that 80 percent of people who have come to her office to share stories of
sexual misconduct never told the COC.
In order to protect themselves from charges of
complicity, people in a position of power must claim that the charges against
an individual came as a complete surprise. Matt Lauer’s co-host Savannah Guthrie fought back tears when
she announced Lauer had been fired for “inappropriate sexual behavior. She stated, “we do not know more than
what I just shared with you.” NBC
News Chairman Andrew Lack told staff it "may not have been an isolated incident." If Savannah knew nothing about Lauer’s
behavior she has no business in the news business. If Andrew Lack thinks Lauer’s behavior “may” not have been
isolated he has no business being in management. In 2012 Lauer's former co-host Katie Couric said he pinched
her "on the a-- a lot."
Joe Scarborough claimed he attended a Friars Club event for a roast of
Lauer. He claims many of the jokes
were made about his sexual pursuits at work. He added, "So was this whispered behind closed doors?
No, it was shouted from the mountaintops and everybody laughed about it,"
This type of behavior is virtually
impossible to keep secret.
Politicians have the advantage of paying their victims with other
people’s money. Cokie
Roberts, NPR correspondent and ABC News commentator, claimed "every
female in the press corps knew" to avoid being in an elevator with Rep.
John Conyers (D-MI), and has apparently known about this "for years."
She added, “you know they are so used to it. I mean, the culture of
Capitol Hill for so many decades was men being bad.” Conyers’ attorney Arnold E. Reed, claims there are allegations
against "many members" of the House and Senate. He might be
suggesting that Conyers does not intend to go down alone. The Congress of the United States is
like a small fraternity. Members
are fully aware of what other members are up to. Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer
know who has stepped over the line.
They knew about Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy. Kennedy made no effort to conceal his affairs “including
public sex in 1985 and 1987 at La Brasserie restaurant. Yet his colleagues referred to him as
“the gentleman from Massachusetts.”
There is an obvious double standard when it comes to aberrant
behavior by progressives. If Judge
Moore had drugged and had intercourse with a 13 year old girl that would be a
crime. When Roman Polanski did it
Whoopi Goldberg claimed it was not “rape-rape.” The excuses used to defend Bill Clinton’s behavior are too
numerous to recount. The media
does its best not to cover incidents that would embarrassment colleagues or
politicians unless they disagree with them. The attack on Judge Moore appears to have failed. In fact it has exploded in the face of
the left. They are
most likely working on a new revelation that will be announced on December 11,
one day before the election. This
will not give Moore’s defenders time to refute it.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
A Fresh Start for Zimbabwe
The nation of Zimbabwe just went under a change
in government. Robert Mugabe is
being replaced by Emmerson Mnangagwa.
Mnangagwa had been a close ally of Mugabe. However, he had to flee the country after he was dismissed
as vice-president. Mnangagwa has
close ties with the military and his dismissal may have been the reason the
military sent troops to arrest Mugabe.
Under the circumstances Mugabe decided to resign. He is being accused of rigging
elections and using violence to repress his opponents. Mnangagwa may not be the exact remedy
for eliminating political violence.
He is widely believed to be responsible for the Gukurahundi massacres in which up to
20,000 civilians were killed.

The failure of Zimbabwe is an embarrassment to
the progressive globalists. It is
best to avoid reporting news from there except for reports of crop failures due
to drought or shortages due to hyperinflation. Few would, like Andrew Young, defend Mugabe. Nicholas Kristof wrote in the New
York Times, “Many, many ordinary black Zimbabweans wish that they could get
back the white racist government that oppressed them in the 1970’s.”
The Financial Times reported that, “One of Mr
Mnangagwa’s main challenges will be turning around the ailing economy as the
country grapples with a severe currency shortage, rampant unemployment and
crumbling infrastructure.”
According to one Zimbabwean source China and the West provide 80% of Zimbabwe’s revenue. In 2015 the United States provided $159
million in aid to the country.
Mugabe will get a 5 to 10 million dollar “golden parachute,” immunity from
prosecution for his family and his family’s assets will be protected. He will also received his $150,000
salary for the rest of his life.
His wife has been nicknamed “Gucci Grace” for her lavish spending. She has spent millions on property and
luxury cars in South Africa. Her
oldest son, Bellarmine Chatunga, recently posted a clip on social media showing
him pouring a £200 bottle of Ace of Spades champagne over a $60,000 diamond
encrusted Rolex at a Johannesburg
nightclub. He boasted, “daddy runs
the whole country”. Kristof quotes a farmer
by the name of Isaac, “It was better under Rhodesia. Then we could get jobs.
Things were cheaper in stores. Now we have no money, no food.” Isaac’s daddy obviously run the whole
Zimbabwe’s elite love showcasing their wealth
on social media. They have no
concern for the millions of their countrymen who are starving. This is more than conspicuous
consumption. It borders on the
pathological. Robert Mugabe Jr.
travels in a private jet “with an interior
decked out completely in gold.”
He has a black Batmobile.
He purchased two Rolls Royces in September. Sidney Himbara Jr., whose father is one of the richest
businessmen in Zimbabwe, wears customised alligator skin, gold plated Giuseppe
Zanotti $14,000 trainers. He has a
golden revolver that fires lipstick pellets.
Nicholas Kristof pointed out in the New York
Times, “When a white racist government was oppressing Zimbabwe, the
international community united to demand change.” He states that now a black racist government is harming the
people. He claims that most of the
criticism is focused on the seizure the farms from white landowners. The major victims, however, are black
Zimbabweans. Kristof states, “Our
hypocrisy is costing hundreds of Zimbabwean lives every day.“
Friday, November 17, 2017
Was That The Sound Of Pandora’s Box Being Opened?

Congresswoman Jackie
Speier told Chuck Todd on MSNBC that the House had paid out $15 million in
harassment settlements in the past 10-15 years. Actually the Congress’ Office
of Compliance put the figure at more than 17 Million. Not all of these settlements were for sexual harassment. The settlements are classified and not
subject to Freedom of Information Act requests. Tracy
Manzer, Speier’s spokesperson told CNN that 80 percent of people who have
come to her office to share stories of sexual misconduct never told the Office
of Compliance. Speier
charged, “Congress created the Office of Compliance to protect itself from
being exposed.” The current law forces victims to sign a
non-disclosure agreement.
The 17 million dollar figure is only the tip of an
iceberg. It does not include non-monetary
settlements: “Here’s that promotion I promised you.” It does not include cash payments made out of the harasser’s
own pocket. Former high school
coach and House Speaker, Dennis
Hastert, was apparently willing to pay $3.5 million to insure the silence
of a former victim. There is also
the fear factor. Informing on your
boss might not be a smart career move.
Speier knows
the names of two sitting members but will not release the names because, “The
victims are the ones who do not want this exposed.”

Sexual Harassment may be much more widespread than the public
is aware of. Members of Congress
may feel invulnerable. Their
colleagues would be reluctant to expose them because it would bring discredit
to the institution or they may also be involved in questionable behavior like House Speaker
Dennis Hastert. Their allies in the media are also reluctant to
publicize the faults of people they socialize with and use as sources. The floodgates, however, may be about
to break open. There are people in
power who encouraged this movement.
Movements sometimes spin out of control and the there are plenty
examples of revolutions eating their children.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Roy Moore vs. The Swamp
The Swamp is in full panic mode. They are pulling out the big guns. They claim Judge Roy Moore is a
pedophile and cannot be allowed to represent the good people of the great state
of Alabama. If Moore wins
the election the Senate should refuse to seat him. The Washington
Post claims it stumbled across this story by accident: “While reporting a story in Alabama about supporters of Moore’s
Senate campaign, a Post reporter heard that Moore allegedly had sought
relationships with teenage girls.”
The Swamp media would have us believe that they do not have a double
standard when it comes to conservatives.
When Sarah Palin was selected for vice president David
Corn claimed, “Alaska’s getting pretty crowded…with investigative reporters
and scandal-chasers.” Six weeks
after being offered an exclusive story by Paula Jones the Post printed nothing. The Post's managing editor, Robert Kaiser
claimed "We have an
obligation to the Post's readers to do our best to establish the truth and not
simply to print damaging accusations the moment they are made."
The author of the Washington Post article on
Moore is very conscious of the problems the paper has with credibility. She goes to great lengths to establish the
main accuser’s bona fides. Leigh
Corfman is not, like Paula Jones, who Newsweek’s Evan Thomas
called "some sleazy
woman with big hair coming out of the trailer parks." McCrummen claims, “none of the women
has donated to or worked for Moore’s Democratic opponent.” Corfman voted for Republicans and even
voted for Trump. She described her
story consistently in six interviews with The Post. Neither Corfman nor any of the other women sought out The
Post. All were initially reluctant
to speak. Corfman claims, “I have
prayed over this.” She is obviously
what the Post’s Michael
Weisskop called one of the people who are “largely poor, uneducated, and
easy to command.”
The Swamp accepts
Corfman’s allegations without reservations. No one from the Swamp asked, “Why is this coming out
now?” After 38 years is it
possible that the memories of a girl from a broken home might be distorted.
Corfman has been
divorced three times and has been plagued by financial problems. She blames her chaotic teenage
recklessness; drinking, drug abuse, promiscuity and a suicide attempt on Moore. By contrast Moore is a West Point
graduate, a Vietnam veteran, a law school graduate, and what some would
describe as a “holy roller.” This
is not to say that “holy rollers” have not been known to “misbehave.” People have to decide who is more
The question of credibility frequently depends on which side of the
political spectrum an individual is on. Members of the Swamp will immediately side with Corfman. The Swamp creatures have revealed
themselves yet again. Mitch
McConnell is leading the charge.
McConnell stated, “If these allegations are true, he must step
aside.” He was followed by Sen.
Jeff Flake who argued, “If there is any shred of truth to the allegations
against Roy Moore, he should step aside immediately.” Sen. Susan
Collins said, “If there is any truth at all to these horrific allegations, Roy
Moore should immediately step aside as a Senate candidate.” Sen. Lisa Murkowski said, “I’m
horrified.” Sen. Rob Portman said,
“It was very troubling … if what we read is true and people are on the record
so I assume it is.” Sen. John
McCain had no doubts about Moore’s guilt.
He tweeted, “The allegations against Roy Moore are deeply disturbing and
disqualifying. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama
to elect a candidate they can be proud of.” All of these Senators are Republicans and member of the
McConnell and the
other Swamp creatures would rather have a democrat in this Alabama Senate
seat. George H.W. Bush
voted for Hillary Clinton and is an unlikely Moore supporter. Max
Boot, a Rubio consultant said, “I would sooner vote for Josef Stalin than I
would vote for Donald Trump.” He
is also an unlikely Moore supporter.
These are not 38 year old allegations.
The Swamp’s
Claude Rains imitations are unconvincing. Presently
Senator Bob
Menendez is being investigated for financial corruption. Federal prosecutors believe that “defendants
Menendez and Melgen had sex with underage prostitutes in the Dominican
Republic." These are not 38
year old allegations. Three women
who made the prostitution allegations later recanted and said they were paid to
level the charges. Who paid them? Is the Post interested? Sen. Lindsey
Graham has testified as a character witness for Menendez. Are Swamp creatures outraged by the
recent release of FBI documents claiming Martin
Luther King engaged in sex orgies? Are they outraged by a Hollywood producer, Roman
Polanski, who drugged and raped a 13 year old? Or was this not a case of “rape-rape?”
Charges of sexual
misconduct have been successfully used by the Swamp in the past. In 1989 Senator John Tower was nominated
for Secretary of Defense. The day the debate on Tower's nomination began in the Senate,
Bob Woodward’s article entitled, "Incidents at Defense Base Cited,
Drunkenness, Harassment of Women Alleged" appeared on the front page of
the Washington Post. Bob Woodward reported that informed sources
claimed Tower had been drunk at Bergstrom Air Force Base. Tower was not confirmed and the next
day it was revealed that Woodward’s source was discharged from the Air Force
for psychiatric reasons. Another
story used against him was that he danced naked on a grand piano with his
mistress, a Russian ballerina. This was reported by Leslie Stahl on CBS even
though the FBI had reported they had reason to believe it was not true. Sen. Ted
Kennedy told students at Yale University that he was "troubled" by
reports that John Tower drank excessively and made improper advances toward
For many an
attack on Judge Moore by McCain is the next thing to an endorsement. If McCain
opposes him he must be a patriot. The
President missed a great opportunity to embarrass the Swamp. He reportedly said that Moore will “step
aside” if the charges are true. He
should have mentioned that in light of the Swamp’s past behavior this is
unlikely that the charges are true.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Book Review - Harry Dexter White

Rees comes to the opposite conclusion of John Haynes and Harvey Klehr about Communist agents influencing U.S. policy. Klehr has stated, "In our more than twenty years of archivally based research on Soviet espionage in America, we have uncovered ample documentation of Soviet intelligence obtaining American technical, military, and diplomatic information but very little indicating successful policy manipulation." In an interview Haynes stated, “Soviet manipulation of American policy—which by the way Soviet intelligence agencies didn’t do that. They were into intelligence, not policy manipulation. And there are sensible reasons for that—but that’s another question.” Rees make several references to Communist efforts to manipulate policy. As an example: “During 1936 an “elite group,” composed of promising officials who were expected to rise in the government service, was detached from this parent group (the Ware group.) Its paramount objectives at that time were “power and influence” rather than active espionage.” He quotes Whitticar Chambers, “The power to influence policy has always been the ultimate purpose of the Communist Party’s infiltration. It was much more dangerous, and, as events have proved, much more difficult to detect, than espionage, which beside it was trivial, though the two go hand in hand.” Haynes and Klehr are two of the leading scholars in this field. It is curious that they were willing to damage their reputations by making such a claim.
Rees contends that White was not it a position to guide U.S. policy: “So far from being able to work on a high level to propel the United States into a war with Japan, so diminishing the possibility of a Japanese attack on the Soviet Union, White was certainly not part of the policy-making process at this time, as has been noted.” Yet he wrote, “Some of White’s suggestions were incorporated in the final ‘ultimatum,’ as it was regarded in Tokyo, which was given by Secretary of State Cordell Hull to the Japanese envoys on November 26, 1941.” It would later be discovered that these suggestions originated in Moscow.
Rees covers White’s role in the formulation of the Morgenthau Plan. He appears to accept the fact that JCS 1067, the policy for occupation of Germany, was based on the Morgenthau Plan. He quotes Walter Dorn, “Treasury representatives declared that the original White Memorandum had been approved by the President. Thus it happened that the original version of JCS 1067 became largely a Treasury document. It literally decreed, as a State Department official put it, economic chaos.” White was a outstanding economist. He knew exactly what the results of chaos would be. Philip Mosely commented, “Such a policy outlined by White would drive the Germans into dependence on the Soviet Union.” This would result in the rest of Europe falling under Soviet control. White was almost successful. By 1947 both France and Italy were on the verge of electing Communist governments. This led to the Marshall Plan and the recovery of the European economy.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Is U.S. Policy in Afghanistan Doomed?
provides an account of a State Department election night “party” in Kabul’s
U.S. embassy. The author, May
Jeong, explains “State Department employees, who are officially barred from
political activism while living abroad but tend to support Democrats.” As proof he reports, “On the wall hung
a Donald Trump piñata.” He reports
a change in the party’s atti The article
explains the role of Scott Guggenheim, “senior adviser” to Afghan President
Ashraf Ghani. He describes
Guggenheim as, “one of the most powerful people in the country.” Guggenheim has worked with Ghani since
2002. Ghani and Guggenheim are
member of the same elite. Ghani is
described as “former academic whose lifelong passion has been studying how to
fix broken countries.” Guggenheim
spent the first half of his career as an international development expert. They attended some of the same schools
and both worked for the World Bank.
tude when it became clear that Trump was going to
win the election.
One of Guggenheim’s major duties is to act as Afghanistan’s
informal ambassador to the world of foreign donors who fund most of the
country’s budget. Approximately 70
percent of the Afghan government’s budget since the 2001 has been supplied by
foreign donors. Guggenheim asked, “Is the Parliament of Afghanistan really
representative of the country, or is it a bunch of warlords dividing up
national rent? This is what American foreign policy in Afghanistan has created.
The institutions they built up are deeply corrupt.” There are billions of taxpayer dollars circulating through
Afghanistan. One example is the
$43 million ($42.7 million, to be exact) spent to build a compressed natural
gas station in Afghanistan. Naturally this figure was disputed when the cost
became public. Critics claim the
true cost was somewhere between $5 million and $10 million. This is not a very precise figure for a
facility that would cost no more than $500,000 in neighboring Pakistan.
Guggenheim views Afghanistan as an American experiment. He was attracted to the job there by
“the promise of the early years.”
He saw Afghanistan as a “modern society that would catch up to regional
success stories like India or Iran.”
After emerging from decades of civil war and misrule it offered a
country-sized laboratory. Afghanistan
was a chance to implement some of the theories Guggenheim and Ghani had “discussed
during countless conversations at weddings, backyard swims and garden parties
across decades.” Progressives
believed that a vote for Ghani was “a vote for progress, for reform, for
equality, for human rights, and a sense of Afghanistan joining the rest of the
world.” Guggenheim described his
vision: “What I’d like to see is countries with deep historical legacies, that
are struggling, pull it off. Some
sense that they will finally get their act together and they are going to be
democratic and there is going to be basic freedoms. Kids can go to a movie
theater and not worry about being blown up, that sort of thing. I’m still a
deep idealist on those scores.”
This would have been a prefect time for Mr. Guggenheim to break out in
song: “You may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one. I hope some day you’ll join us And the
world will live as one.” But how
many eggs will be required to make this omelet?
The people implementing U.S. policy in Afghanistan will have
to put away their piñata and deal with the Afghan people for what they
are. They will not be holding any
“gay” pride parades in Kabul in the near future. The United States is providing billions to support an
admittedly corrupt government yet this government is giving away mining rights
to Chinese companies. Guggenheim
appears to be coming to the realization that the theories formulated at
“weddings, backyard swims and garden parties across decades” may not be
practical. He declared, “What you
are doing is doomed. But isn’t
that the story of life? And so, you do it anyway.” Jeong described this as “sardonic wit.” It is a type of wit that goes over well
at garden parties but not in foxholes.
He should not try out his wit on the mothers of soldiers who have returned
to the U.S. in body bags. The
elite has a different sense of humor.
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