Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Additions to the MP Third Edition – “Nuremberg was colonial.”

            Morgenthau’s policies led to the creation of a third world colony in the center of Europe.  Francis Biddle described the atmosphere in Germany during his attendance at the Nuremberg Trails:

Nuremberg was colonial, we had taken the country after this wretched war, and were living in it, had to be there for a while.  We weren't sure how the natives would act, whether they would lie down and lick our boots, or slit our throats on too dark a night, yet we were determined to dine out on occasion and have as much fun as we could.  It was like Kipling's Simla, pointed to a different setting in a very different time.  

This was an exciting time, especially for Great White Hunters.  Ernest Hemingway apparently was quite proud of the trophies he accumulated during his stay in Germany.  In a letter to Charles Scribner Hemingway tells of a young German officer who refused to answer his questions.   The officer informed Hemingway it was a violation of the Geneva Convention to shoot prisoners.  Hemingway wrote: “What a mistake you made. Brother, I told him and shot him three times in the belly fast and then, when he went down on his knees, shot him on the topside so his brains came out of his mouth.”  In a letter to Arthur Mizener on 2 June 1950, Hemingway described killing his last “kraut”, an unarmed youngster on a bicycle, “. . . I said ‘let me take him’ and I shot him with an M1  . . . he was a boy about the age of my son Patrick . . . I had shot him through the spine and the bullet had come out  through the liver.”    

         Many of these victims remained nameless.  However, there were also well known victims.  The German conductor Leo Borchard was killed by a US sentries in Berlin.  And the Austrian composer and conductor Anton von Webern was killed in Salzburg by an American sentry.        

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