passions aroused by the attack on Pearl Harbor and wartime propaganda prevented
U.S. leadership from negotiating a reasonable surrender of Japan.
Therefore the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a necessity. In fact
it was a humanitarian act, saving millions of American and Japanese lives.
An article in the Chicago Tribune dated Aug 14, 1965 entitled “Ignored
Japanese Peace Bids Plague U.S., West, with What Might Have Been” by Walter
Trohan, Washingtonn Bureau Chief, gives another perspective:
The first Japanese peace overture came in 1944, but this was not
made public until last June when the State Department published official papers
bearing on America’s foreign relations in 1944.
Wider Bagge, the Swedish minister in Tokyo, cabled the surrender
offer to the Swedish foreign office, for transmittal to Britain, which relayed
it to the United States.
Japan was prepared to relinquish all the territory it took in
the war and Manchukuo, Manchuria, which it had seized in 1931.
President Roosevelt was committed to the “unconditional
surrender” formula he had carelessly tossed off at the Casablanca conference with
Winston Churchill in 1943. He replied that the United States could accept no
other terms.
Later, in November 1944, a peace overture was made through the
Vatican, as reported by Robert Morris, president of the University of Dallas in
his book, “No Wonder We Are Losing.”
Two days before Roosevelt left on Jan. 22, 1945 for the Yalta
conference with Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin, Gen. Douglas MacArthur sent
a 40 page message to the White House outlining five unofficial Japanese
peace overtures. The terms were identical with those subsequently
concluded by Roosevelt’s successor, Harry S. Truman.
The MacArthur message was on the desk of Fleet Adm. William D.
Leahy, chief of staff to the President, when he revealed its terms in the
strictest confidence.
In 1953 former President Herbert Hoover, who had saved a copy
of the story, asked MacArthur for the original. MacArthur verified the story,
but said he didn’t have the original, having sent all his papers to the
defense department. A search of these papers has failed to produce the
original. It was lost or removed from the files.
At the Yalta conference, Feb. 3 to Feb. 11, 1945, Roosevelt
and Churchill arranged with Stalin to get Russia into the war against Japan.
The government of Adm. Kangaroo Suzuki undertook negotiation
for peace thru Russia.
Russia stalled the negotiations in determination to secure a
dominant position in the orient.
In “Triumph and Tragedy,” Churchill made it clear that he had
no part in the sellout of China. He wrote of the far eastern agreement at
Yalta which led to the communization of China:
“I must make it clear that, altho on behalf of Great Britain I
joined in the agreement, neither I nor Eden took any part in making it.
It was regarded as an American affair and . . . we were not consulted but
only asked to approve.”
primary objective of the Soviet Union was to engage Japan in a war with the
United States. Dennis J. Dunn’s Caught Between Roosevelt & Stalin
chronicles Soviet efforts in this direction beginning with our first ambassador
in 1933. In this they were aided by Soviet asset Harry Dexter White at
the Treasury (see John Koster’s Operation Snow.) The attack on
Pearl Harbor was anything but a surprise. Roosevelt knew that cutting off
their oil would lead to war. The U.S.- A negotiated
peace allowing Japan to retain Korea and Manchuria would most likely have
prevented China falling to the Communists and would have made the bombing of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki unnecessary. There would have been no Korean War
and probably no Vietnam conflict. Japan would eventually grante these
areas their independence. Instead our leaders provided the Soviets with
considerable Lend-Lease equipment in order to induce them to violate their
agreement with Japan (nobody ever says they stabbed Japan in the back.)
They gave the Soviets control over Manchuria and two ports in China without the
prior consent of the Chinese. This was a Czarist dream going back to 1903
when the Russian Minister to Japan, Roman Rosen, proposed a division of Korea
along the 39th parallel. Nice way to treat an ally. The Roosevelt
and Truman administrations destroyed the two powers that contained the Soviet
Union. They made agreements that led to the deaths of millions of people
following the war and provided the Soviets with millions of slave laborers for
their gulag. Much of the documentation, like the MacArthur papers, has
been destroyed or is still classified. Academics are doing their best to
conceal the truth. They are eager to condemn the U.S. for any
failing but these crimes by our progressive leadership get a pass.